Instructions Steps 6 - 11
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Step 6: Mounting the Electronic Speed Controller (ESC)
Note: Lower plate is conductive, so there must be an adhesive pad placed on the bottom of the ESC to prevent contact. The adhesive pad will also hold the layered parts in place.
One side of the adhesive should be adhered to the bottom of the ESC while the other side of the adhesive is connected to the baseplate, as far forward along the outer screw tracks as possible to allow the ESC to be as far forward as possible (Figure 6B).
Using four nylon screws from the container of nylon connectors (Figure 6A), put four screws up through the tracks and then position the ESC so that the four corner holes go through the screws.(Figure 6C). * Note: The numbers 1-4 on the ESC indicate which motors they should connect to.
Position the ESC and then top the nylon screws with threaded hex stand-offs (Figures 6A & 6D). There is no one better size but you must use all four of the same height.
There are 12 wires coming off the ESC; 3 go to each motor. In the front, the six wires can be divided evenly and split down their adjacent arms. In the back, the six wires are divided evenly and then need to cross over to the other side to ensure that motors and ESC are properly communicating.
Plugging in the ESC signal wires:The signal wires only connect one way on the left side of the drone.
Step 7: Mounting the Flight Controller Platform
Place the plastic flight controller platform over the ESC so that the mounting screws come through the corners. Secure with nylon nuts.
Step 8: Connecting the ESC Wires
Connect motor wires motor to extender wires so that colors match when possible. (Figure 8A) This additional length will allow plenty of space for moving and adjusting wires in the future.
Thread the wires will through the arm tube one at a time towards the ESC. (Figure 8B) There will be a lot of wire length which will be coiled and stowed at a point in the future.
At this point, plug the extender wires into the ESC wires. (Figure 8C) Which is plugged in where will not be relevant until configuring the flight controller, which is where the additional wire length will come in handy. Note: When disconnecting and switching any wires, pull from the connector, not from the wire.
Connect all four motors and coil wire in the center so that it is out of your way. (Figure 8D)
Step 9: Mounting the Flight Controller
The NAZA flight controller needs to be centered on the plastic pad with the arrow (red arrow pointing towards it) on the controller pointing towards the front. It will be adhered to the platform using one or more adhesive pads. Use the correct number of adhesive pads to ensure that the NAZA sits at or above the nylon spacers/nuts. The controller must be centered, pointing forward parallel to the long axis of the drone.
Step 10: Connecting Additional Components of the Flight Control System
Mount the PMU (power management unit) at the rear of the drone using adhesive pad. Line the PMU up with edge of slot to the right of center on the base plate before securing with pad.(Figure 10A)
X3 from the PMU will be plugged into the X3 slot on the back of the NAZA flight controller. (Figure 10B)
Plug coiled radio receiver wire into X2 position on the flight controller. (Figure 10C)
Take the red and black power wires (2S- 6S) from the PMU and connect to one of the pairs of red and black JST connectors coming off the right side of the ESC and then coil out of the way. JST wires may be fragile so use care as they will need to be soldered back in place if they break.(Figures 10D and 10E) * Note: some editions will use crimp connectors to connect the red and black wires form the PMU to red and black leads from the ESC.
Take EXP wire from the right side of the PMU and connect it into top horizontal EXP slot. (Figure 10F)
Plug in motor signal wires. Starting with the connector that includes a white and black wire, plug into M1 with the black wire on top. (Figure 10G and 10H) The white wire immediately next to black/ white goes into M2, on the LOWER pin. (Figure 10J) The next wire goes to the lowest pin on M3 and the last on the lowest pin of M4. These wires MUST be in proper sequence in the lower pins or you run the risk of the craft flipping upside down during flight. (Figure 10K)
Step 11: Bench Test and Motor Spin Test (requires a fully charged LiPo battery)
Plug in the LED to the horizontal LED
port next to the EXP wire. (Figure 11A)
Plug the receiver into the coiled receiver wire with brown wire into the bottom GROUND pin, the red wire to the VCC pin and the signal wire (yellow) into the SBUS pin. (Figure 11B)
Plug the GPS antenna into the GPS slot into the PMU. (Figure 11C)
Bench Test (cont): Plug the battery in (if the LED is flashing red and yellow, this indicates the compass has not been calibrated). (Figure 11D)
Refer to the first and second pages of the NAZA Flight Controller Setup to determine if any wires need to be reversed to ensure proper spin of the motors.
To reverse spin of a motor, swap any two wires leading to the motor (also noted on NAZA setup pages) by grasping firmly both wires near junction and avoiding yanking (Figures 11E & 11F).